Alright my friend, I just love watching this guy Dan’s videos on How to Make Passive Income Online with ­Affiliate marketing. He always gives out so much value, you see..

In this video about Money Making Minset Tip, Dan shares about an inevitable, simple but very important mindset you need to have or adapt in order to become financially free!

.. and that is, you need to be your own boss, period.

The video also features a testimonial from a 17 year old boy Nick, who makes passive income online following Dan’s Super Affiliate system which Dan calls “Deadbeat Super Affiliate”

Further, he shares a few golden nuggets in there, in order to get control of your life and break the shackles once and for all!

Watch Dan’s Money Mindset video now, will ya? 🙂

(Money Making Mindset Tip) 17 Year Old Deadbeat Earns Passive Income Online!

>> Check out Dan’s ‘Deadbeat Super Affiliate’ System here!

Pretty good stuff, yeah? I thought you’d like it!

Financial Freedom Requisites:

1. Create your own business
2. Learn Sales
3. Learn Marketing

These are the very basic requirements.. ‘whoa whoa wait there!’ you’d say, ‘I ain’t interested in Sales and Marketing, it’s not my stuff.. I hate it!’..

Well my cool awesome fella, the thing about sales and marketing that you’ve been hearing about since you got into your senses.. as in to persuade people to the extent they’re annoyed, achieve sales targets, and what not!…that’s not the BS we’re talking here!

Sales and Marketing is actually a human welfare activity where a business fulfills the needs and wishes of customers, solves their burning problems with products and services!

Do you think people will HATE you if you solved their problems or fulfilled their needs and desires?! Hell NO! They’d LOVE you for your recommendation! Yup, you guessed it right li’l Einstein.. the recommendation here IS the ACTUAL ‘sales and marketing’ stuff.. Pretty awesome, isn’t it!

Dan already has created an awesome, newbie-friendly, step-by-step, comprehensive, over the shoulder video training for anyone who really wants to create autopilot money machines that work 24/7 to create online passive income for you whether you’re enjoying at the beach, playing with kids, enjoying with friends, or you’re fast asleep! 🙂

Once again, I invite you to take a look at Dan’s system through this link.

Affiliate Marketing Requirements:

Affiliate Marketing, as Dan mentions in his video here, is perfect for those who are introverts!

You’re not required to get face to face with your prospects or show yourself and speak live with them, neither remotely nor in person!

You’re even not required to possess prior experience of any sort! If you know the basics of computer operation viz. Internet surfing, email, etc… you’re already qualified to do Affiliate Marketing!

Yes, of course, you’ll have to learn a few simple things here and there which are not harder than the basic stuff you already are comfortable with.

Affiliate Marketing is one of the best ways to make passive income online for achieving financial freedom, which ultimately gives you freedom of time and money to enjoy your life to the fullest!

lazy deadbeat super affiliate
lurn summit make money training Only 1 Dollar!
Get Paid to Write!
An Unemployeed Dad did THIS?!

Allow me to introduce myself, the creator of My name is Parimal, and the reason this video site exists is for you to be able to access hundreds of incredible Online Passive Income videos. That’s it. That’s the only reason I’m here with you right now. 🙂

Now here comes the “but”…

Okay, I’ve gotta level with you. Honestly, my own personal desires are to thank for this site being here. I absolutely love Make Money Online videos (like the ‘How To Make Passive Income Online’ presentation you just finished up with), and a cool site on which I could re-watch my favorite videos is really what I was after.

I also see this site as a decent financial opportunity as well. I just want to be transparent here.

I enjoy earning a bit of sponsorship revenues on the side, as I share awesome Work At Home videos with you. Hopefully, you’re cool with that.

As you’ve likely gathered, I’m not one to pull punches. Even so… hitting you over the head with sales pitches is not why I’m here. If anything from any of my sponsors interests you, that’s cool! But if this isn’t the case, absolutely no hard feelings. Your readership is what I’m really after. 🙂

Sharing cool Earn Money Online videos with good people like you is just plain fun for me! 😉

So that’s why Profits In Pajama exists. It’s basically just an “all under one roof” video resource for both myself and others who are interested in Internet Marketing. If that sounds like something you can appreciate, then I’d love to see you again. 😉 

So make this a site you return to! I’ll be over here sharing more killer videos that tackle loads of subjects like Money Methods, Traffic & SEO, and E-com… and that’s only just for starters!

In any case, it would still be very nice of you to click the FB “Like” button on the sidebar to the right (at bottom if on a mobile device). Or at a minimum, please share this post via one of the social share buttons below. 🙂

As my final request, reading the thoughts and opinions of my visitors really drives me to continue on this quest. Using the comments section below, please tell us what you did or didn’t like about the video.

Until we meet again,

– Parimal Thakkar



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